Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Simple Things

I've pretty well had to put this blog on hold due to finals, but I just couldn't make this wait.  It's kinda sad, in some ways.  I got off work tonight and ran by McDonald's cause we were slammed and I was hungry.  I sat in line for a while cause everyone was out grabbing study food.  As I got up to the window, the girl at the window got my card, ran it through, handed me my food, whatever,  I said, "Thanks, have a good night!", not really thinking a whole lot about it.  It was her response that got me.  The way she said thank you sounded as if she'd never heard it before.  I just don't get that.  How hard is it to say "please" or "thank you?"  What happened to manners?  Let's face it.  Working the Mickey D's window at 3am isn't exactly the highlight of anyone's life.  Throw a smile their way.  You never know how it might impact someone else. 

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